Thursday, June 03, 2010

Guatemala Sinkhole Seen From Above

Photograph courtesy Paulo Raquec

The 2010 sinkhole in Guatemala (pictured) had likely been forming for several weeks or even years before floodwaters from tropical storm Agatha caused the sinkhole to cave in, the University of Kentcky's Currens said.

"The tropical storm came along and would have dumped even more water in there, and that could have been the final trigger that precipitated the collapse," Currens said.

(Related: "Sinkhole Holds 12,000-Year-Old Clues to Early Americans.")

Published June 1, 2010


Alfian said...

Assalamu'alaikum. . .
kuwi bolongane jero ra?
penyebaa'e opo ea?
interesting post!

nofantosastro said...

wa'alaikumsalam Wr.Wb sinkhole itu dalam. timbul dikarenakan aliran air yang berada dibawah lapisan dasar tanah.

nofantosastro said...
